Thursday, August 8, 2024

LJ FH: Q&A with Pixie DeLeon

Pixie DeLeon, senior
on LJ's field hockey team

By Ed Piper

Senior Pixie DeLeon is a captain on Coach Amanda Combs Warford's varsity field hockey team at La Jolla High. She enjoys studying biology, and wants to pursue that subject and other sciences beyond high school next year.

This discussion took place near the end of the Vikings' tryout/practice Thursday afternoon, August 8.

What are you guys looking forward to this year? What's your outlook?

I'm just excited to play. (Catching her breath during a defensive drill against a teammate trying to score) I think, so far, our teams might be pretty young. We only have about five or six seniors, so a lot of underclassmen. Which will be pretty exciting, because a lot of them are really fast and have a lot of potential. So, that will be good.

Does it change your focus, to work on your own game and to be aware of the team (as a captain)?

Can I answer you in a second (after I run this drill)?

(Coming back) Depending on how many underclassmen we have on the team this year, that'll probably determine where a lot of our seniors play, because with a lot of younger players, we seniors will probably play more defensively (in defenders' positions), so the younger girls can take more risks on offense.

Studies--what do you like to study?

Biology is my favorite. I really like physics and history.

Where are you looking to go next year?

I don't have a "dream" college, per se, but I'm hoping to go somewhere on the East Coast.

Okay, of the subjects you mentioned, what really stands out? What floats your boat?

I really like the sciences, just because they answer a lot of questions, partially the questions you wouldn't always think to ask. So I think that's interesting. I really like biology, because I like learning about the teeny, tiny cells that are living inside us. It's so crazy to think about, because it's so small, you could barely imagine to think about it.

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