Thursday, August 29, 2024

LJ b beach VB: Q&A with Jerry Santoro

By Ed Piper

Jerry Santoro is a senior on the Vikings' boys beach volleyball team. These comments came before La Jolla's scrimmage against Helix at The Pit, the Vikings' home courts opposite the Big Dipper rollercoaster in South Mission Beach, Wed., Aug. 28. Jake Morrison is Jerry's long-time beach volleyball partner.

You guys (partners), how do you see your roles?

We kind of split it, but it depends on what's going on. Sometimes he'll stay up at the net, and I play defense. Or if he pulls off (the net) and there's a tight set... But I'm the better defender.

That's what I'm getting at--if you play different roles. 'Cause the whole thing is to make you better as a team.


What do you want to work on, starting this season?

I definitely want to work on my sets, because I think I can make it definitely more accurate, so we can run faster attacks and I'll play the blockers.

You have some of the younger guys (out here). What can you do to help them do and to learn?

I specialize more in passing, so I help them in passing better. Also, shots are another thing I'm pretty decent at. So I can definitely help them with shots and passing.

School: what's your favorite subject?

Oh, I love math. I'm a nerd in math.

Why are you a nerd in math?

Numbers are very easy for me to memorize, so it just came easy to me, and I love it.

Would you like to go further in math?

I plan to major in computer science.

What could you see doing with that?

I want to go either into AI strategizing, or game scripting, because I love making video games. That's a very small hobby I have.

Enjoy it today.


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