Saturday, August 17, 2024

LJ FB 38, Chula Vista 14 - scrimmage - Friday Night Lights event

Photos by Ed Piper

The Viking defense, here with linebacker Jack Long (45)
chasing QB Izaac Baca (10), recovered after some
mix-ups earlier in the game led to a 14-14
tie at halftime.

Chula Vista didn't give up in the
second half, even as LJ's lead mounted.
Corner Drake Weise (21) covers Gabriel
Ruiz (18) as he grabs a catch a pass
near the goal line.

Beautiful vistas to the west oversaw
the football event at Valhalla High
later in the evening, nice, cool
temperatures prevailing.

Even Hank Hansen, a burly receiver
and run option, got into the act,
subbing for Huddy Smith at QB
late in the game.

Reid Roach, the coach's five-year-old son,
holds court with Viking players (from left)
Zach Gergurich (red shirt), Charlie Martin (22),
and an unidentified player.

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