Tuesday, August 6, 2024

LJ b water polo: No double sessions

Viking players (rear and middle) face
El Segundo in a first-round 12-6 win
Nov. 13, 2023, in the Southern
California Regionals at Coggan Pool.
(Photo by Ed Piper)

By Ed Piper

La Jolla High coach Tom Atwell had to revise his boys team preseason practice schedule after he received instructions from the CIF San Diego Commissioner recently.

The changes come as part of the swell of concern and care for the mental health of individual student athletes following the COVID pandemic. It used to be that football, especially, began Fall preseason workouts with two-a-days to "make kids tougher".

But in the midst of continuing concerns over reports of depression, lack of connection, even suicides in this era of social media and lessened in-person human contact with teachers, coaches, and fellow students, Atwell sent out an email to his Viking water polo athletes and their parents that stated, "The most impactful new rule (from the State CIF Office) is that at the start of each season, there must be an acclimation period for the athletes."

This means that during the first five practice days of the preseason, two-a-days cannot occur. Also, each individual practice cannot last longer than two hours.

As a result, Atwell, the long-time water polo and swim coach at LJHS, said he had to revise his practice schedule for the boys' water polo team.

To adapt, Atwell added a practice on Sat., Aug. 3, from 7 to 8 a.m., and another workout Sat., Aug. 10, from 1 to 2 p.m.

The ramifications of the State Commissioner's regulations will play out over the next several months, as the impact of this guidance is passed on, processed, and implemented by coaches at La Jolla High and elsewhere.

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