Friday, August 30, 2024

LJ FH: More photos 8/29

Photos by Ed Piper

Poway's Sophia Grimm (middle) covered by
Sofia Saiegh (10) and Reese Martin (far right).

Talia Snider (4) marked by Sophia Grimm (4).

Captain Pixie DeLeon (18) makes a point
during a timeout, alongside Sofia Rose (11)
and Talia Snider (4).

LJ's Reese Martin (1) and Audrey Hansen
of Poway (9) go after ball at sideline.

LJ coach Amanda Warford goes over coverage
during halftime. Allison Hawthorne (12),
Stella Perez (7), and Savannah Putnam (17)
take part.

Ellie Fates (9, left) pushes the ball upfield
against Natalie Vejtasa (7).

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