Monday, August 19, 2024

LJ FB: Q&A with Ben Lewis

Noseguard Ben Lewis
tapes each of his knuckles
before the game against
Chula Vista Sat., Aug. 17.
(Photo by Ed Piper)

By Ed Piper

Ben Lewis is one player new defensive line coach Jordan Lawson named--specifically, by name--that he expected to step up in the Vikings' scrimmage Sat., Aug. 17, against Chula Vista. He plays noseguard.

Are you looking forward to playing tonight?

Really looking forward (as he put athletic tape around each knuckle of each finger on both hands).

You do half the width (of the tape on the roll).


How does that help you?

When I'm in my three-point (stance), there's a lot of pressure on my hands, and my knuckles. So I try to compress them a little, so it doesn't hurt when I'm in my three-point.

What's your role in some of the coverage you guys are going to do?

I'm the noseguard in a one-tech on the weak side, so I cover the weak side "A" gap. I get in the gap next to the center, and if I can get through the gap to the quarterback or the running back, I do. If I can't, I just plug the hole and make sure nobody else gets through it, including the running back, if he decides to run the ball.

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