Sunday, May 26, 2024

LJ FB: Q&A with Coach Tyler Roach

Coach Tyler Roach (right) takes his players
through a play install during Spring workouts
Thurs., May 16.
(Photo by Ed Piper)

By Ed Piper

La Jolla's football team began Spring workouts May 13. Head coach Tyler Roach completed his seventh season at the helm of the program this past season. These comments were made before practice Thurs., May 16.

Goals for Spring football?

We're just trying to coach up our young guys, get 'em up to speed on the fundamentals of our game. Start to build some team camaraderie. We're waiting to get all our guys out here. Baseball is still rolling. Some track guys. So really the last few days have been about the young guys, getting them up to speed. Starting to see some new leaders starting to come about, so slowly but surely.

But we're rolling, starting to get our installs going.

You do a lot of that.

We do. Coach 'em up. Yeah, it's been a good start so far.

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