Monday, May 13, 2024

LJ baseball: Q&A with Koa Scott

Koa Scott (16), Vikings' pitching
coach, exhorts the troops
before their game Fri., May 10.
(Photo by Ed Piper)

By Ed Piper

Koa Scott is the pitching coach for La Jolla High's varsity baseball team. He played for the Vikings in high school. He went on to pitch for St. Katherine's in North County (it closed recently). These comments came before the Vikings' regular season finale Fri., May 10.

Koa Scott.


Your pitching staff--give me an overview for the season.

I think we've done really well this year. Cole Roberts has been lock-down on the mound this year, getting both the complete-game record (as a starter) and also coming in and getting saves this year, which is not an easy thing to do, coming in as a starter and then having to come in to get saves out of the bullpen. That's two different mindsets, and his ability to be able to do that for us has been phenomenal.

Declan (Kelly) would do the same thing for us early in the season and being nails. Later in the year and getting stretched out and starting games for us (he) has been huge. And then Hank (Hansen) same thing, starting, and now relieving. All three have been great for us.

The other handful of guys who have pitched for us have all been good.

From the start of the season to now, did you expect this level of performance from your staff?

I had hoped that we would be here. I didn't expect the number of guys who have stepped up to step up.

Letter grade. What grade would you give your overall staff for this season?

An A. Definitely. I think that's what has kept us in games, is our pitching--eliminating runs for the other team.

What have you learned this season as a coach?

I'd say, no two players are the same. You can't coach one kid the same as another. You have to kind of find each individual kid's language to relate the same mechanics and the same tools, but different languages to each kid so they all understand it. Not every single kid is going to understand it the same way, so you have to figure out the way to get them to move.

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