Monday, June 24, 2024

LJ FB: More photos, UCLA game 1 vs. Cathedral (LA)

Photos by Ed Piper

Logan Clark (19, far left) in motion as QB Hud
Smith waits for hike next to Aidan "Carolina"
McGill (second from right). Nico Bardaro is at
far right.

Receiver Carson Diehl (L) secures first
complete by QB Hudson Smith vs. Cathedral
in game 1 at the UCLA tourney, on the
left sideline.

Logan Clark (19), wide receiver
and holder for kicker Julian Zavala

Aidan "Carolina" McGill, Second Team
All-Eastern League running back
as a junior

From left, Renner Smith, assistant Chris Macy,
Brody St. John (facing right), and Emerson Rota
grab water after game 1 in the 89-degree heat.

Defensive backs warming up, (L-R) soph Taylor Jeffrey,
and seniors Ryan Kestler and Hank Hansen.

Senior Galo Sanchez

Senior Aidan "Carolina" McGill


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