Thursday, December 20, 2018

LJ b soccer: 'Travieso' (mischievous)

By Ed Piper

Victor Zendejas had mischief on his mind.

He brought out a tape measure from his travel bag, and told a photographer, "Come on over with me."

As they walked from the La Jolla side of the field at the San Diego Jewish Academy toward the home sideline, Zendejas tried to keep a straight face. "Don't say anything," he advised his companion.

Near enough to Lions coach Manny Diaz's team bench for the opposing coach to notice, the La Jolla assistant soccer coach knelt down on the immaculate natural grass surface, and placed his tape measure, now extended a foot or so, down to the surface.

Zendejas acted like he was measuring the length of the cut grass, to see if it was up to standards.

"What's going on here?" asked an unsmiling Diaz as he caught notice.

Zendejas and Diaz are best friends, dating back to their playing on defense together at La Jolla High in 1984 and 1985. Zendejas was in the class one year ahead of his buddy. Diaz was the Vikings' goalie, and his friend played in front of him as a back.

That meant there was a lot of talk between the two during games to make sure the defense was constantly positioned as well as it could be. "Formed up" is the term among soccer people.

Zendejas, needling his buddy about the field Diaz manicures as part of his duties as groundskeeper at the Jewish Academy, broke into a big grin upon his friend's discomfiture.

"I got a good photo," said the photographer, showing Zendejas on the point-and-shoot's LCD screen.

Earlier, the home team coach had answered the journalist's questions about the field, which his friend called "the best field in San Diego".

"It is up to USGA (U.S. Golf Association) standards," explained Diaz at that time. "Underneath the turf there is 24 inches of sand, with a special drainage system." Such things do not come cheaply. Diaz is the keeper and coach of a supreme facility.

The friendly prank over, the two opposing coaches and close friends retired to their respective sidelines for the match.

Diaz didn't appear to hold a hard spot toward his former Viking teammate for the good-natured joke.

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