Friday, January 31, 2025

LJ b soccer 0, Patrick Henry 4

Photos by Ed Piper

LJ forward Titouan Ferton moves swiftly
with the ball, shadowed by Patriot defender
Tyler Actkinson (19).

Junior Ryan Miller (behind left) and Henry's
Parker Sprague (3) collide back-to-back,
with Julian Zavala (8) also in the mix.

La Jollans form a wall against a long kick attempt
by junior Felipe Lednick: from center left,
Mateo Peniche (4), Titouan Ferton (2), and
Drake Weise (21).

Lednick (front) celebrates
his successful kick
in stoppage time of
the first half with
teammate Cody Luna.
It made the score 1-0.

Titouan Ferton (2) battles Henry's Marcelo Jaber (2)
as teammate Seiji Sakamoto (27) looks on.

Head coach Pilar Flores (right) contemplates
his alignment during halftime chat with
the Vikings, down only 1-0.

Vikings Seiji Sakamoto (27 white jersey), Oliver
Traver (13 white), and Ryan Miller (20)
go through the postgame handshake line.

Patrick Henry High's recently-built complex
shows a handicapped walkway to an elevator
(center), just like the one being constructed
at Canyon Hills High.

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