By Ed Piper
The Pipeline
Sunday, March 23, 2025
LJ baseball 2, Hilltop 0 - 3/21
By Ed Piper
LJ track @ Cerveny VII, Mission Bay 3/22
Photos by Ed Piper
Saturday, March 22, 2025
Friday, March 21, 2025
LJ b golf: Are we the most athletic team?
By Ed Piper
Someone, I think Trevor Kula, asked La Jolla coach Christie Quinn, "Are we the most athletic team you've ever had?"
Quinn, a veteran links coach, didn't even wait. "Not even close," she said. "On my best team, every guy could dead-lift 200 (plus) pounds."
Kula: "But that doesn't make you athletic. We've got guys who play football (Carson Diehl), soccer (Tate Phillips), lacrosse (Seigo Lavinsky)..."
* * *
Kula, a junior, the talkative one this day, Thurs., March 20, at Riverwalk, when everyone else was deep into their game preparation driving and chipping balls, asked: "Who do you have in March Madness?"
I said, "Moorpark Junior College, where I played basketball." Trevor: "They're playing in the JC championships." Me: "They didn't win much--we weren't in the playoffs when I went there."
I asked the water polo player who he was going for. "Are you for Michigan? I've seen a lot of Michigan bandwagoners, especially among middle school boys I sub with." I can't remember who he said.
LJ b golf v. Saints 3/20
Photos by Ed Piper