Sunday, February 23, 2025

LJ sports: 'Dream job'

Joe Cavaiola (rear left) and Aaron Quesnell (back to
the camera) catch up on their respective commutes
to Viking sports events at the LJ-Christian
girls basketball playoff game Wed., Feb. 26.

By Ed Piper

The two were like kids in a candy store.

Aaron Quesnell and Joe Cavaiola, LJHS Athletic Director and Associate Principal in Charge of Athletics, respectively, came into the Poway High gym during the Vikings' boys basketball playoff Tues., Feb. 18, and began bubbling about La Jolla's other CIF games.

"The girls' soccer team went to penalty kicks and lost," Quesnell, the likeable, calm-demeanored member of the Vikings' traveling Odd Couple, shared with a reporter near the entrance at the bottom of the stands.

"They played well. It was unlucky," he continued. You hear that term a lot in high school sports: "unlucky". "It was at Parker."

Then Quesnell, formerly the Vikings' girls and boys golf coach, still a classroom teacher for one period on campus, shared about the boys' soccer team's 3-1 win at home earlier in the afternoon at home, which his conversation partner had attended part of before driving to Poway.

Cavaiola, amiably taking in the pair's third athletic contest of the young evening, was sitting nearby. The girls' basketball team played the next night, Wednesday, in the first round of the D2 playoffs, so no new news to report on that.

The two colleagues as school administrators hold enviable jobs for the sports enthusiast: During playoffs, they have several events to be present at, including girls' water polo during the winter season in addition to all the other sports.

Maybe the parent contact in the office and via phone isn't always positive (speaking as a former classroom teacher), but the sports part is cool.

"Living the dream."

Plus, the next day, the Vikings' highly-visible and often-present pair of athletic supervisors got to wake up and start the cycle again (following a day at school doing whatever tasks they have to do there).

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